How Far Have Technical Fabrics Gone Throughout The Years?

2022-11-14 | Textile Fabric Knowledge

Throughout history, textile has not only been a physical comfort or a way of protecting ourselves, but it has also had a function for giving shelter, securing, storing and transporting. Archaeological findings show that our ancestors years ago made strings to create leashes, fish lines, and nets for hunting animals and to weave baskets for collecting and storing. Others built simple but strong boats made of fibre. Rope making is an ancient activity and paintings of a rope maker have been found in Egyptian graves from 2600 B.C. Flax was an important material when for example making fishing nets.


Today technical textile applications are essential components in aerospace, military and protective clothing, medical and hygiene products, geotextile, construction, building and roofing products, among others.


Modern textile history starts with synthetic fibres coming to the market. Viscose or rayon fibre was the first synthetic fibre presented on the market at the beginning of the 20th century. It had great temperature resistance and strength properties, which were useful in the industrial field and automobile business.


In 1939, Nylon was developed. It was an elastic, durable fibre with good abrasion and moisture resistance. During WW2 the entire nylon production became completely dedicated to military needs. It was used in strings and harnesses for parachutes and parachutes themselves. Nylon was used in tents as well as mosquito nets and hammocks.


Polypropylene, polyolefin and also polyethylene fibres were developed in the 1960s and was very cheap to produce. These fibres became popular in products like sacks, bags, ropes and netting due to their low density, good abrasion and moisture resistance.


The high-performance fibres introduction was a small revolution for the technical textile sector, although its only account for around 5 % of technical textile use. Meta-aramid fibre was presented at the market in 1963. Its high temperature resistance was very useful for various fields and purposes. In 1973 para-aramid fabrics became available. They have high strength and are the component of bulletproof vests, reinforcements of tires, hoses, ropes and advanced composites.


Another type of fibre in this category is carbon fibre, which became commercially available in the 1960s. It has been an important fibre in aerospace applications and today also in high-technology sporting gear and industrial products such as turbine blades.


Glass fibre was developed in the early 20th century and used to be seen only as an insulation material and plastic reinforcement, but nowadays you’ll find it in high technological composite applications, in filtration, protective clothing, packaging and sealing materials.


Ceramic fibres mostly became available in the 1970s and 1980s but the applications of this type of fibres are limited because of the high cost and poor mechanical properties.


In our products we use polyester and nylon. We also have our own fabric brands: ROCKDURA®, DURASHELL® and DURAMESH®.

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